"An insurance policy may have a good price, but poor value."

- John H. Connors

7 Tips For Keeping Your Pets Safe On Halloween

Halloween is a great time for kids of all ages to dress up as the character they would most like to be and ring doorbells for treats.

But the holiday isn’t always fun for pets. They may become overly excited by the continually ringing doorbell, and anxious because the visitors aren’t coming inside. Friendly dogs may want to greet every visitor, frightening children who aren’t used to dogs, and cats may sneak out the door when you’re not looking.

As a responsible pet owner, you can take action to maintain a fun Halloween for your pets and trick-or-treaters who may be at your door. Here are seven things you can do to keep your pet safe on Halloween:

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8 Insurance Claims That Increase In The Fall

As the seasons change, so do the types of claims that insurance companies see.  Falling leaves create a skidding hazard for drivers, deer never look both ways before crossing a road and drivers in a hurry sometimes decide to rush off before their windshields and rear windows are fully defrosted.

The following are 8 claims that increase during the fall and early winter.

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Jack Connors Honored

Last Thursday night our founder Jack Connors was honored at the annual Mechanicville/Stillwater Economic Summit. We couldn’t be more proud of someone who has dedicated his life’s work to helping people remain safe and secure. It’s an honor and a privilege to continue to build on the legacy and foundation you’ve created.

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Now that the hectic holidays are over, it seems to be a good time to tune up your insurance for 2014 and beyond.  A good place to start would be by creating your home inventory.

If Christmas brought you a new TV, computer or digital camera, now is the best time to update, (or create) your home inventory for insurance purposes.  If you don’t already have an inventory, you can create one using a simple spreadsheet or table from Microsoft Excel or a similar application.  After you complete it, place the file in a safe place and make sure to keep a backup of the file in a location away from your home.  Another option is to use the free inventory service;Know Your Stuff, from the Insurance Information Institute, (knowyourstuff.org).

Once you’ve updated your inventory, check your homeowners insurance coverage.  You may need to increase your coverage or add a rider to cover new valuables, such as fine jewelry or artwork.  Sometimes circumstances change that would make you eligible for discounts.  For instance, did you install an alarm system?  If so, make sure to let your Agent know.

The same goes for your auto coverage.  If you’ve recently retired or are now driving fewer miles, some auto carriers will change your rate.  If your teenage drivers are getting straight A’s in school, letting your agent know could result in a reduction in premium.  And make sure to ask about other discounts.

And take a look at your Life Insurance to make sure you have the proper coverage.  As always, if you have questions, contact your Independent Insurance Agent, who will be happy to guide you through what can be sometimes a complicated process.

Kevin Connors is a Certified Insurance Counselor and licensed Property/Casualty and Life Insurance Agent with The Connors Insurance Agency in Mechanicville, NY.  Mr. Connors can be reached at (518)664-7307 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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